Rudra Abhishek

Rudra Abhishek

We Provide Rudra Abhishek Puja

Since Vedic times, it has been known that Rudra Puja is the most powerful tool to bring peace in the environment. In all the Shankaracharya Parampara (the wisdom lineage of Shankaracharya), one thing that has been followed with utmost discipline and commitment, is common across all the paramparas, is the Monday Rudra Puja. All Shankaracharyas perform the Monday Rudra Puja in their own particular way. This is the reason that Adi Shankaracharya established four peethas (knowledge centers) in four corners of the country so that with these practices, there is prevalence of peace across the country and the world. To maintain the peace and harmony in nature, Shri Rudram is performed.

Rudra Abhishek

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